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Senator Mitch McConnell, Senate Majority Leader
Representative Nancy Pelosi, Speaker Of The House

Former President George W. Bush
Former President Barack Obama

Dear Honorable Leaders:

Nothing is more critical right now than strengthening confidence in our electoral process, and thereby, our democracy. External interference and internal doubts in the forthcoming elections will erode confidence in American democracy and its institutions.

We believe you have the foresight to understand that in the midst of the current pandemic, we are facing the possibility of delayed election results. Noting the thriving conspiracy theories on social media, we suggest that the need to build confidence in our democratic norms and practices is urgent and necessary.

This petition has been inspired by multiple editorials in the conservative and liberal media. However, it builds on the suggestion of a scholar from the conservative think-tank the American Enterprise Institute, which proposed the names of former Presidents George W. Bush and Barack Obama to lead a bipartisan commission with authority to monitor the election process as a confidence-building measure.

We would like Congress to establish this commission as soon as possible, and to recruit both former presidents to lead, acknowledging that they enjoy favorable standing among Americans that could help us all avoid deeper disruption to our democratic system.


Save Our Electoral Democracy

Senator Mitch McConnell, Senate Majority Leader
Representative Nancy Pelosi, Speaker Of The House

Former President George W. Bush
Former President Barack Obama

Dear Honorable Leaders:

Nothing is more critical right now than strengthening confidence in our electoral process, and thereby, our democracy.

We believe you have the knowledge and foresight to understand that in the midst of a pandemic, a certain possibility of delayed election results, and thriving conspiracy theories on social media, the need to build confidence in our democratic norms and practices is urgent and necessary.

External interference and internal doubts in the forthcoming elections will erode confidence in American democracy and its institutions.

This petition has been inspired by multiple editorials in the conservative and liberal media. However, it builds on the suggestion of a scholar from the conservative think- tank the American Enterprise Institute, who proposed the names of former Presidents George W. Bush and Barack Obama to lead a bipartisan commission with authority to oversee the election process as a confidence-building measure.

We would like Congress to establish this commission and recruit both former presidents for this critical task, who enjoy high favorable opinions among Americans to lead this commission as soon as possible.

%%your signature%%

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Latest Signatures
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8 Ms. colleen b. Dec 01, 2021
7 Mr Christian C. Aug 20, 2021
6 Mr Kenneth C. May 08, 2021
5 Mr Globalists order global extermination by 2025 s. Sep 26, 2020
4 Rev. Jill U. Sep 19, 2020
3 Rabbi Joshua L. Sep 13, 2020
2 Ms Aliya I. Sep 11, 2020
1 Ms Shahraiz T. Sep 11, 2020
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